1. Sign up for a Kadoa account

Head over to kadoa.com and sign up for an account. Once you’re logged in, you’ll be taken to your dashboard where you can start creating workflows.

2. Create a new workflow

In your Kadoa dashboard, click “Add Workflow”. Give your workflow a name, paste in the URL of the website you want to extract data from, and select the type of data you’re looking for (e.g. custom, ecommerce products, job listings, etc.)

3. Customize your data schema

Kadoa will automatically detect and suggest relevant data fields based on the type of data you selected. You can further customize this schema to fit your specific needs by adding, removing, or renaming fields.

At this stage, you can also choose to scrape detail pages of a directory if needed.

4. Review sample data and approve the results

Kadoa will process a limited number of sample pages from the website to give you an idea of the results. Review this sample data, and if you’re happy with the results, approve the workflow. If you need to make adjustments, you can edit the workflow and rerun the sample extraction.

You can also choose to number of items Kadoa should extract. Kadoa will navigate and scroll through the pages automatically.

5. Schedule your workflow

Once you’ve approved the workflow, choose how often you want Kadoa to scrape new data for you. You can run your workflow manually, set it up on a recurring schedule (e.g. daily, weekly), or trigger it based on specific events. You can also enable email notifications to monitor the website and get alerts when Kadoa detects changes in the data.

6. Access your data

After your workflow has run, the extracted data will be available right in your Kadoa dashboard. You can either use our powerful API, or export it in CSV or JSON format for use in other applications.

That’s it! With just a few clicks, you can start extracting valuable data from any website, no coding required.

Next Steps

If you have any questions as you start using Kadoa, our support team is always here to help. Happy data processing!